8TURN way of life

Since their debut in January of this year with their album "8TURNRISE," 8TURN has conquered a position under the K-pop spotlights.

Comprising MYUNG HO, JAE YUN, MIN HO, YOON SUNG, HAE MIN, KYUNG MIN, YUN GYU, and SEUNG HEON, 8TURN, previously known as BOM (Boys of MNH), stands as a South Korean boy group under MNH Entertainment. Their debut on January 30, 2023, marked a historic moment as the first boy group to emerge in 2023. The members' synergy and passion shine through in their performances and the cohesive themes woven into their music.

"UNCHARTED DRIFT," the group's second mini-album, serves as a testament to 8TURN's dedication and artistic growth. The album builds upon the narrative foundation laid by their debut, where the eight members embarked on a quest to awaken a familiar world. In "UNCHARTED DRIFT," this narrative unfolds, guiding the members through the enigmatic turmoil of a midsummer night. Their unpredictability becomes a compass, steering them toward new adventures and aspirations.

At the heart of "UNCHARTED DRIFT" lies the title track, "EXCEL." A song with a powerful message it encourages listeners to take responsibility for their actions and opt for the challenging path that leads to their goals, rather than the easy way out. The track's poignant lyrics were penned by Jo Yoon-Kyung, the same lyricist who crafted the words for the debut title track "TIC TAC." Collaborating with the globally renowned production team "THE HUB" and esteemed mixing engineer Tony Maserati, 8TURN demonstrates their commitment to musical excellence and innovation.

"UNCHARTED DRIFT" showcases the multifaceted talent of 8TURN as they venture into diverse musical genres. From alternative and hard rock to hip-hop and gospel, the album's tracks paint a vivid sonic landscape. The song "WORLD," with lyrics written by 8TURN's YUN GYU, introduces a universe filled with alternative rock and cinematic elements. "WALK IT OUT," a hip-hop and dance fusion, urges individuals to disconnect from the virtual realm and venture into the tangible world. "SKETCH" explores the nuances of hip-hop while delving into the spectrum of sound and love. The final track, "ING," melds pop, gospel, and hip-hop, embodying the group's promise to bring smiles and happiness to their audience's journey.

Panorama.it spoke with them.

Nice to meet you. Can you please introduce yourself to our readers?

ALL: Whose TURN? 8TURN! Hello everyone! This is 8TURN!


YUN GYU: Hi, I’m YUN GYU, the sports drink of 8TURN.

SEUNG HEON: Hello, I’m SEUNG HEON, the youngest member of 8TURN.

MIN HO: Hi, I’m MIN HO, the gentle hyung of 8TURN.

MYUNG HO: Hello, I’m MYUNG HO, the cutie-pie of 8TURN.

KYUNG MIN: Hi, I’m KYUNG MIN, the sub-vocalist of 8TURN.

HAE MIN: Hello, this is HAE MIN for 8TURN!

JAE YUN: Hi, this is JAE YUN or 8TURN!

You were the first debut of the year, and now we are here talking about your first comeback. How does it feel?

YOON SUNG: We are the ones who made the first debut of the year 2023! First of all, we are very thankful for all the attention that we were given from the Korean audience. Also, we had a great opportunity to perform overseas and we are very grateful for the interest and support from our international fans as well. To repay for all the love we’ve received, we have worked our best in preparing for this comeback, and we had a lot of fun doing it. Seeing our fans enjoying our second mini-album made me really proud!

SEUNG HEON: We have put all of our passion into preparing for our debut album, and a lot of people found that very positive and started to support us. We are now back with our second mini-album without taking a lot of time off after the promotion of the debut album ended, but we have tried our best to show something new to our fans. I think our fans also liked the fact that we enjoyed performing on all of our stages.

What do these last months mean to you?

YUN GYU: Following our debut, we invested this time to let more people know about our group. We also put in effort to hone our abilities, in order to convey our positive energy and affection to the public! As the members mentioned, seizing the opportunity to perform on international stages allowed us to connect with our fans abroad and share our presence with a larger audience. This was a very significant period for us.

HAE MIN: As YUN GYU said, this was a chance to let our fans learn more about us and to know that there are fans across the globe who appreciate our work. I believe ever since our debut, we’ve been consistently recognizing all the people who love our group. I'm genuinely delighted, and I hope to carry this sense of gratitude forward in the future.

MYUNG HO: Ever since our debut, I’ve encountered so many new experiences, making time feel like it flew by.

Let’s talk about theUNCHARTED DRIFT. What kind of album is it?

JAE YUN: I think our second mini album, [UNCHARTED DRIFT], triggers and alleviates the urge for exploration. It is a collection of songs that harmonizes seamlessly with the essence of this summer, particularly its heat.

You created a song, EXCEL, that is the perfect mix of old-school hip-hop and hard rock sounds. How was working on it?

MYUNG HO: We had a blast while recording “EXCEL” and all the other tracks on the album. It felt like we matured along the way, which led to us producing higher-quality music than before.

JAE YUN: The title track, "EXCEL," carries a powerful sound, so I found myself singing it with more intensity and confidence compared to our first album. We also aimed to display our robust style by embracing bold and daring elements in our style as well.

What changed between your debut track, TIC TAC, and EXCEL?

YUN GYU: I believe we've developed a greater ability to express ourselves. While every member was great in the first album, I feel that we've truly revealed more of our team's unique color. In this release, each of us showcased individual charms more prominently than before, and it seems that everyone has advanced in terms of their skills and capabilities.

MYUNG HO: The moods of the songs are different, but I believe our performances were elevated to a higher level. Our facial expressions, gestures, and overall stage presence improved, allowing us to deliver more impressive stages.

HAE MIN: I feel like our color has deepened in this comeback.

Overall, the album talks about the feeling of escape. What did you escape from or what do you still try to escape from?

KYUNG MIN: I recall a time during my sixth-grade year in elementary school when I made my escape, which was spending the night at a friend's place without informing my parents. I did mention it to my mom, but I forgot to tell my dad, so I remember getting scolded for that.

MIN HO: During the preparations for our comeback, there was a moment when all of us made a small escape! I recall gazing at the night view and enjoying some ramyun. It was a short but enjoyable escape from our routine! As of now, I don’t have any urge to escape or break free.

JAE YUN: I want to enjoy this moment! There is nothing better than what’s in front of me RIGHT NOW!

Your name means the eight of you are taking a new turn in your life. What do you see in your future?

YOON SUNG: I envision ourselves taking the stage in massive concert halls, performing for hundreds and thousands of enthusiastic TURNINGs! As we continue to evolve, I'm confident our fan base will expand, resulting in even more TURNINGs joining our journey. Ultimately, our goal is to make everyone in this world our fans with our music and presence!

MIN HO: As a group of 8 boys brimming with limitless potential, I believe our growth is boundless and ever-expanding.

YUN GYU: Our biggest aspiration is for 8TURN to carve a significant presence within the realm of K-POP. We wish to continue our journey alongside the support of many people.

I’m curious about your daily life; what does a day with 8TURN look like?

KYUNG MIN: During a promotion period, we're consistently engaged in our schedules and activities, which leads to a routine centered around our company, home, and somewhere other than these two. Engaging in a variety of activities and schedules has been enjoyable for us!

SEUNG HEON: During periods when we're not actively promoting, as you might expect, we spend considerable time practicing while preparing for our comeback. I spend hours in the company practice room for both group practices and personal vocal/rap sessions. Just as you might imagine, I've been putting in a lot of effort to put on an enhanced performance for all of you!

HAE MIN: We do find time to take breaks occasionally! We can also attend classes that align with our interests at the company, such as lyric writing, composing, acting, and languages – subjects we're genuinely excited about!

MYUNG HO: We also spend some time talking to one another to strengthen our teamwork.

I have a couple of questions for each of you; if you have to describe yourself in one word, which would it be? And if you have to choose one to describe 8TURN?

MYUNG HO: If I were to describe myself in a word, it would be "cutie"! I want to show my youthful and bubbly qualities. When it comes to describing 8TURN in a word, I believe it's "versatility."

YOON SUNG: If I had to describe myself in just one word, it would be "SMILE!" I really enjoy laughing and staying positive, so this word fits well. And for 8TURN, I'd go with "a charming bunch"! Each member has their own unique charm, and there are so many appealing aspects that I'm still discovering. 8TURN is just amazing!

SEUNG HEON: For myself, I'd choose "growth." It reflects my desire to keep evolving as a person! As for 8TURN, I'd describe it as “water”! Just like water is essential in life, TURNINGs are irreplaceable to 8TURN, and I also want us to be a group that they can’t live without.

YUN GYU: I'd like to describe myself as a "gem." It's not just about being a shining jewel; it's a reference from a movie scene I really like. To me, everyone has their own gem, and it's about how we polish that raw material hidden inside a stone. I chose this word because I believe that with effort, I can become a valuable gem. As for 8TURN, I see it as a "treasure chest"! I believe there are eight unique treasures within.

JAE YUN: I'd describe myself as a "strawberry cake." Firstly, I find strawberry cake absolutely delicious. With its layers of whipped cream, strawberries, and the sponge, it's a treat that offers a mix of delightful flavors in one. Just like a strawberry cake, I want to be someone who embodies different charms all in one. Also, I see life as a quest for a cake, and I aspire to be a singer who people always seek out – hence the choice of "strawberry cake." As for 8TURN, I think of it as an "onion." I chose this word because, like an onion, the more you peel away its layers, the more diverse and captivating aspects you discover.

HAE MIN: I'd like to describe myself as an "espresso." I picked "espresso" because I wish to adapt well to any situation, much like a shot of espresso that turns into an americano with water or a latte with some milk! As for 8TURN, I see it as a “cafe.” With different menu options available, if you step in and place an order, we can showcase our various aspects just like what you can order at a cafe!

MIN HO: I want to express myself as "sky"! The Chinese character for “MIN” in my name actually means sky, and also because I want to be a broad person! I want to be a generous person who has a big heart and communicates with many people. For the group, I want to express 8TURN as a bird! I thought it would be nice to become a bird flying in the wide sky, so I chose the word, “bird.”

KYUNG MIN: I'd go with "Music" to describe myself. It's because not only do I listen to music frequently, but also because I want to be someone who connects people and communicates with others using music as a medium! As for 8TURN, I see it as the universe. The reasoning behind this choice is that the Earth sometimes feels too limited to contain all of our potential and aspirations.

One last question; who are 8TURN now?

KYUNG MIN: 8TURN is like the universe. This is because we can't confine all of our potential within the boundaries of Earth, and we aim to exhibit our diverse range of charms.

YUN GYU: I think 8TURN is like a pizza. Just like how a pizza is divided into eight slices, each of us is like a unique slice from various pizzas coming together to create a new, delightful pizza. This word contains the idea of showcasing a multitude of diverse charms, which is why I'd like to define us as "pizza."