Business News
January 25 2013
A square in Rome will be named after John Paul II, one of the most loved popes of all times. The "new" square is opposite the Vicarage and it is part of San Giovanni in Laterano, one of the symbols of the Italian capital.
The date of the inauguration will be known shortly and the exact caption will be "Largo Giovanni Paolo II - Karol Josef Wojtila - Pontefice 1978-2005, beatificato 1 Maggio 2011." ( Square John Paul II - Karol Josef Wojtila - Pontiff 1978-2005, beatified 1 May, 2011.)
"After more than one year of searches, in agreement with His Excellency cardinal vicar Agostino Vallini," town councillor of Rome, city official Gasperini said " we have found the right place to pay tribute to Pope John Paul II."
"15 years have gone by since the Pontiff came to Campidoglio (city hall) and met the municipal administration, and 8 since he passed away, now we can announce that we have found the place symbol of the unaltered memory that the city keeps of him."
The outgoing mayor of Rome Gianni Alemanno proudly added " John Paul II was not only an extraordinary pope, man of peace and great communicator, but he was man of faith, and with his faith, he changed the face of 20th century. The love Rome showed him on innumerable occasions can be only compared to that the whole world showed him during his travels and in the days of the funeral rites."
"This is why Rome wants to pay its tribute to this Father, who is the father of all, believers and non believers, Christians and non Christians , naming after him , part of the historical San Giovanni square, opposite the Vicarage," the mayor added.