Ra Mi Ran portrays Jin Young-soon (SLL)

Ra Mi Ran: a mother's journey in «The Good Bad Mother»

"The Good Bad Mother" is not your typical K-drama; it is a captivating journey exploring maternal love's intricate layers. The drama unfolds an engaging narrative about the hardships and tribulations of parenthood. Set against a backdrop of societal expectations, the series delves into the diverse feelings experienced by its protagonists, challenging conventional concepts of the bond between mothers and children. Through its captivating plot twists and turns, the drama encourages viewers to reflect on the delicate balance between sacrifice, self-discovery, and the inherent imperfections that make us human.

The respected SLL, known for its excellent storytelling and high production qualities, is at the helm of "The Good Bad Mother." The company, known for pushing boundaries and delivering extraordinary storylines, has once again created a compelling world that perfectly merges reality and fiction. SLL creates an immersive viewing experience that keeps audiences eagerly anticipating each episode with its visually gorgeous cinematography and great attention to detail.

This compelling series - which has just concluded -, stirred a wave of emotions in viewers, leaving them eager for more, episode after episode. "The Good Bad Mother," available on Netflix Italy, lived up to its promise of delivering an engaging experience that delves into the nuances of family affection. All of this, led by lead actress Ra Mi Ran, who showed great versatility and ability to play different characters. Known for her versatility and ability to play a variety of different roles, Ra Mi Ran lends her personal touch to the role of the lead mother figure. Through her passionate portrayal, Ra Mi Ran manages to express the complicated emotions and obstacles that mothers face in their quest for love, understanding, and personal growth. Ra Mi Ran's screen presence is convincing as she easily reflects the depth and sensitivity of her character.

Panorama.it had the chance to speak with her.

Nice to meet you, and thank you for being here with us. Can you please introduce yourself to our readers?

Hi, I am actor Ra Mi Ran. I am back with the drama "The Good Bad Mother" and I play Young-soon in it.

I want to start with your last work, The Good Bad Mother. What kind of character is Jin Young-soon?

Jin Young-soon is a person who has always lived tough to protect her son. She raised Kang-ho alone while running a pig farm on her own. She voluntarily becomes a bad mother to Kang-ho because she doesn’t want him to experience the same misery she has been through. I found Young-soon a very relatable character who goes through her own highs and lows in life. Because of them, we grow to feel sorry and compassionate towards her over the episodes. I prefer to think of Young-soon as a ‘pitiable mother’ rather than a "bad mother".

You portray a single mother who became “a bad mother” because she was very strict growing up with her child. How did you prepare for the role?

I tried my best deeply and sincerely empathize with Young-soon. Why did she have to be a bad mother? Does she really deserve that title? Was she obliged to make those choices that made her look bad? I pondered upon a lot of these questions regarding Young-soon’s character. At the end, I concluded that I should embrace her side of the story and be on her side.

Which was the most challenging side of getting into the character of Jin Young-soon?

It wasn’t hard to embody Young-soon’s emotions and express them, putting myself in her shoes throughout the shooting. It was rather difficult to control the wave of emotions. I shot most of the emotionally intense scenes with Kang-ho (Lee Do-hyun), and from a certain point, I automatically started to tear up just looking at him. There were many times I couldn’t stop myself from crying even if I didn’t want to, so I had to try hard to get hold of my emotions.

How was your relationship on set with your co-stars in The Good Bad Mother?

It was always so fun to shoot with the neighbors of the Jowoori village from the drama. Every single one in the cast was so hilarious and nice to be around. Having them on set was a big comfort for me, and I counted on them a lot. They were part of the reason why I could focus better on acting.

What was your first thought when you read the script?

I truly lost track of time reading the script, and there was no other drama that had had me so focused and immersed in the story like The Good Bad Mother. It had such lovely characters, and the story progressed really fast. I was honestly expecting a bit of a cliché, but I was totally wrong. The Good Bad Mother was a project I had to be a part of, so I immediately said yes.

You are an award-winning actress but also a woman and a mother too. Do you consider yourself a strict mother in real life?

Fortunately, my child tells me from time to time that I am a good mother, and I think it is because I let him make his own choices with life. I feel thankful that he thinks of me that way. I think it is really up to your children to judge if you are a good parent or not. If he/she calls you a good mother, then you are; if he/she calls you otherwise, then you aren’t. (she laughs)

You are a veteran actress, do you have any habits you follow before start filming a new role?

I like to clean my house. Things feel much more organized and refreshing after cleaning up. It feels like a new start.

Is there a character you played you still feel attached to?

I have the same affection towards every character that I have ever played; no more, no less. I put my best into each role and they all have a special place in my heart. But if I had to choose only one at the moment, I would say Young-soon from "The Good Bad Mother". I adored every side of Young-soon, even her low points, and acted the character with such love.

You worked on movies, in theater, and also did a reality show: is there something you want to try but you haven’t yet?

I want to try new things no matter what they are because working in different categories gives me different lessons and feelings of accomplishment. I am always ready to embark on new challenges as long as the audience loves it.