The Italian welthiests according to Forbes

According to the 2012 Forbes list, the annual ranking of the world's wealthiest people, Michele Ferrero leads the list of the richest men in Italy. The Nutella financial backer is in the 23rd place on the world list with a $ 20.4 billion capital.

Italian entrepreneur, Leonardo Del Vecchio of Luxottica, ranks second richest Italian, and 49th in the world, with $ 15.3 billion.

Former Premier Silvio Berlusconi goes down from 169th to 194th place, with a $ 6,2 billion capital. He is, however, the seventh richest Italian.

In the prestigious Forbes' list, Miuccia Prada claims the third spot among the richest Italians (the 78th in the world) with $12.4 billion. She is also N.67 among the most influential women on the planet. Another fashion giant Giorgio Armani ranks fourth, among the Italians, with $8.5 billion, he is the 131st in the world list.

Patrizio Bertelli, Miuccia Prada's husband rounds out the top five with his $ 6.7 billion fortune,175th in the world list.

Among the richest men in the world, there are also several more Italians, such as Alliance Boots executive chairman and the largest Walgreen shareholder Stefano Pessina, followed, in the Italian list, by Carlo Benetton, founder and deputy chairman of Benetton Group.

Another man among the richest in Italy and in the world, is entrepreneur Mario Moretti Polegato, followed by Gilberto Benetton, Luciano Benetton and Giuliana Benetton.

The Italian industrial magnate Francesco Gaetano Caltagirone with his total earnings deriving from investments in construction, banks, utilities and media assets is also one of the richest men in Italy and in the world.

Ennio Doris & family are also in the list. The Italian financier, in fact, Ceo and shareholder of financial services group Mediolanum SpA is one of the wealthiest man in Italy and in the world. Net income at Mediolanum grew more than three-fold to $390 million for the first nine months of 2012, which drove up the share price by more than 25%, as a consequence Doris' net worth has risen $400 million in the past year.

In the Forbes annual list the richest man in the world is once again the Mexican magnate Carlos Slim with a $73 billion capital ( 4 more in comparison with the previous year.) Slim is followed by Microsoft founder Bill Gates with $67 billion, and the news is that the Spanish Amancio Ortega ranks third with a $ 57 billion capital. Ortega is founder of Inditex and  has built one of the largest fashion empire, Zara.

The Forbes' list shows also a record number of billionaire women, they are currently 138, they were 104 in 2012. The richest woman in the world is still Liliane Bettencourt, L'Oreal owner.