Vinitaly 2017: good news for the Italian wine market

Vinitaly 2017 - the popular wine fair taking place in Verona - comes along this year with very positive news. There has been a remarkable growth in the sales of Italian denomination wines (Docg, Doc, Igt) and spumante (Italian sparkling wine), which had respectively 2.7% and 7% increase compared to 2016.

These data come from the declarations of buyers working for big names of Italian great distribution, such as Despar,Conad, Carrefour and Italy Discount.

Despar- also a protagonist of Vinitaly 2017 - has openly given good news on wine through Simone Pambianco (Despar Brand Product Manager), who declared "2016 confirmed the ongoing trend of growth concerning Doc and Docg wines. Also, the sales of our wines (Despar brand) have increased: 10,5% for Doc and Docg wines and 8,6% for spumantes.

Conad has expressed its comments of the wine market in Italy, pointing out an increase in the sales of high-quality wines. Valerio Frascaroli- wine buyer for Conad - has stressed an encouraging 2.8% increase concerning wines, led by Doc ones and spumantes. In addition, Mr Frascaroli highlighted how white wines are growing more than reds, followed by rosés performing quite well too.

Comments on wines arrived from Carrefour too, through Luca Bacciocchi. Mr Bacciocchi is Category Manager for wines, spumantes and champagne at Carrefour and he has confirmed that consumers seem much more attracted by medium-high quality wines. "Clients are willing to spend for good products and they are becoming more and more attentive to quality."

Also Italy Discount announced great achievements concerning the sales of wine on the market. Giovanni Filippini, director of purchases, stated: "in 2016 we have sold 6 million bottles in 340 shops throughout the country."

Bottles sold the most are the 75cl ones whereas the 1,5-litre bottles seem to be less attractive to customers, who opt for more practical and smaller solutions.

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