Economia13 Ottobre 2014
Italy is the 8th country for e-commerce growth prospects is a small Italian company whose headquarter is located in San Mauro Torinese, near Turin, in the North of Italy. Founded in 2008 to offer online services to outlet malls, small shops, websites and eBay power seller, in six years only the company succeeded in consolidating a 20 million euro turnover, transforming itself in the Italian antagonist of Alibaba, the Chinese king of e-commerce.
The B2B e-commerce is growing quite rapidly in Italy at the moment: a +17 per cent was registered during the last six months, and is in the perfect position to exploit this rise. The innovative Italian platform is now active in 170 markets, and it counts on 70,000 registered dealers. Among its partners we can find the best Italian and international brands, who refer to this website to sell their products at discounted prices.
According to president Angelo Muratore, "the phenomenon of online shopping has become a distribution channel that companies cannot ignore. Despite the ongoing global crisis, e-commerce is one of the few sectors that is actually booming: this is evident by the double-digit sale-percentage that Italy has been recording since 2010. According to data from eMarketer, our country now occupies the 8th position in terms of growth prospects, right behind great competitors, such as China and India, but ahead of countries closest to our own, in terms of development." However, as Mr Muratore clearly points out, with the number of online merchants growing together with the one of online shoppers, to succeed in this market it becomes crucial to "learn how to stand out and offer easier business trades to retailers and companies."
A very clever idea ended up helping success a lot: in order to meet the needs of the market, the Italian company decided to open its own marketplace to third party vendors and offer them the chance to sell their stocks for 15 days on Both costumers and retailers liked it, and their appreciation further boosted Brandsdistribution.comprestige, attractiveness, reliability and, of course, exponential growth.
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