h1-key seoul k-pop girl group

Seoul Dreaming with H1-KEY

Interview with the girl group that in their last EP tells a story about the capital of South Korea and a journey through the dreams that thrive in the heart of a bustling metropolis

A story unfolds in the bustling heart of Seoul, where the neon lights paint the night sky in vibrant hues. It's a story that transcends the boundaries of geography and culture and speaks to the universal human experience of dreaming. And at the center of this narrative stands the K-pop sensation known as H1-KEY, ready to tell the tale of "Seoul Dreaming."

H1-KEYis a South Korean girl group formed and managed by Grandline Group and is composed of four members: SEOI, RIINA, HWISEO, and YEL. Their group name H1-KEY is pronounced and inspired by the word "High Key" and the aim for "confident" and "healthy beauty"

This album is more than just a collection of songs; it's a journey through the dreams that thrive in the heart of a bustling metropolis. "Seoul Dreaming" reminds us that reality may not always hold the magic we seek, but within its confines, we have the power to conjure dreams as enchanting as any fairy tale. These dreams are not mere flights of fancy; they are the stuff of passion and ambition, and their precarious nature makes them all the more beautiful.

Set against the backdrop of Seoul, this narrative extends its embrace to all cities worldwide. It is a story of H1-KEY's dreams, but it's also a story of our collective aspirations. The neon lights illuminating urban nights everywhere are a testament to the hopes and dreams of countless souls who dare to chase the extraordinary.

The cornerstone of "Seoul Dreaming" is its title track, "SEOUL (Such a Beautiful City)." A collaborative masterpiece between Young K and Hong Ji Sang, the genius behind "Rose Blossom," the song paints a vivid portrait of Seoul as a city of endless opportunities, where hope and despair, joy and sorrow dance in perpetual harmony. In this dynamic cityscape, H1-KEY dreams a fragile and stunning dream.

The music itself is a work of art, a symphony of sounds that transport listeners to a bygone era. "SEOUL" is anchored in the funk rhythms of the 70s and 80s, casting a retro, sophisticated vibe over the entire track. From the moment the synthesizer sound takes center stage at the beginning, it evokes a sense of exhilaration. But it's the superb string section that emerges during the bridge that truly elevates the song, emphasizing its climactic peak.

As H1-KEY's mesmerizing vocals blend with the lush instrumentals, a vivid picture of Seoul's vibrant streets emerges. The lyrics are more than words; they're poetry, capturing the essence of a city that never sleeps, where dreams are woven into the very fabric of life.

"Seoul Dreaming" isn't just an album; it's a glimpse into the beating heart of a city and the dreams that emerge from its embrace. H1-KEY has created a musical masterpiece that transcends boundaries, reminding us all that our dreams, no matter how precarious, are the very essence of what makes life beautiful and radiant. As you listen to the seven tracks on this album, allow yourself to be swept away by the magic of "Seoul Dreaming" and join H1-KEY on their journey through the dreamscape of our collective aspirations.

Panorama.it interviewed them.

Nice to meet you, girls. Can you please introduce yourself to our readers?

All: Hello! We are H1-KEY, the healing (used as comforting in Korean slang) idols who touch people's hearts!

SEOI: I am SEOI, the emotional supporter and leader of H1-KEY.

RIINA: Hello, I'm RIINA, the vocalist of H1-KEY :)

HWISEO: I'm HWISEO, the main vocalist of H1-KEY!

YEL: Hello, I'm YEL, the cutest maknae (= youngest in Korean) with the highest Ki (= height in Korean) in H1-KEY.

Could you elaborate on the inspiration behind the concept of "Seoul Dreaming" and how it connects to the dreams of people worldwide?

SEOI: The concept of our album, "Seoul Dreaming," is about "dreamers." As the album title suggests, we wanted to depict the stories of people dreaming not only in Seoul but all around the world :)

The album "Seoul Dreaming" seems to explore the intersection of dreams and reality. How does H1-KEY convey this theme through their music and lyrics?

RIINA: We sing while reminiscing about the time we ran toward our dreams! We also came together and thought about the ways to express hope and the skills that would fit this goal best.

In the track "Intro: Seoul Dreaming," the sounds of the city are incorporated into the music. How does this opening track set the tone for the rest of the album?

HWISEO: Yes, that's right! The first track summarizes the entire album, "Seoul Dreaming," briefly, but impactfully. We believe it allows listeners to experience chasing dreams while working hard in modern society with the sounds of the city prominent in our daily lives.

The title track "SEOUL (Such a Beautiful City)" is described as having a retro yet sophisticated vibe. How does the song's musical arrangement reflect the juxtaposition of hope and despair in the city?

YEL: The lyrics convey a bright and cheerful message, but the melody is somewhat sentimental. Therefore, we believe it effectively portrays the juxtaposition of hope and despair coexisting in Seoul.

"불빛을 꺼뜨리지 마 (Time to Shine)" carries a message of perseverance despite challenges. How does the song's combination of musical elements contribute to conveying this message?

SEOI: The melody has a bright feeling that encourages and offers comfort. The lyrics also contain a message of supporting everyone, and we try to convey the message that anything is possible!

"Low-key Scared But H1-KEY Ready" touches on embracing pain and fear in pursuit of dreams. How does the song's synth-pop dance style enhance the emotional depth of the lyrics?

RIINA: We aim to convey more retro vibes through the Synth-Pop genre, which is very helpful in making listeners reminisce about the past.

"Magical Dream" promises to bring comfort through melody. Can you explain how the song's Latin rhythm and trap beat drop contribute to creating a sense of comfort and happiness?

HWISEO: The lively Latin rhythm and rhythmic trap beat make the song even more enchanting and addictive to the ears.

The album features a collaboration with various songwriters and producers. How do these collaborations contribute to the diverse musical styles presented in the album?

YEL: Thanks to the contributions of other artists, I believe H1-KEY's charms have become even more diverse. I believe it's an effective way to show a more developed and distinctive side of us, offering fans a different charm and musical style.

The album's narrative is described as not only H1-KEY's story but also a reflection of collective dreams. Could you elaborate on how the album manages to bridge individual and collective experiences?

SEOI: Each of us, including myself, has different dreams and goals, but we all chase our dreams in a city of opportunities like Seoul! I thought this was our common ground. It doesn't have to be Seoul; it could be any other city!

H1-KEY is known for its versatile music styles. Can you share any hints about the kind of genre or sound you might explore next?

RIINA: We plan to continue showcasing our unique music, since we have received a lot of love for our authentic music style.

As a group, you've achieved remarkable success in a short time. How do you manage to balance your personal lives with the demanding schedules of being K-pop idols?

HWISEO: Rather than trying to strike a perfect balance, we approach our schedules with enjoyment since they are part of what we've dreamt of and wanted to do. We also make an effort to rest as much as possible during our free time.

Many fans admire your close bond and teamwork. Can you share a memorable behind-the-scenes moment that reflects the strong friendship within H1-KEY?

YEL: We enjoy playing pranks on each other and watching fun videos together. I think that's where our chemistry has developed. Especially when we watch videos and engage in lively discussions, it feels like we're friends despite the age difference.

Collaboration is a trend in K-pop. Are there any artists, both within and outside the K-pop scene, that H1-KEY dreams of collaborating with in the future?

SEOI: If I get the opportunity, I would love to collaborate with Sunmi, a senior artist I greatly admire!

Who are H1-KEY now?

RIINA: We want to say that we are a group that genuinely loves being on stage!

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Marianna Baroli

Giornalista, autore

(Milano, 1986) La prima volta che ha detto «farò la giornalista» aveva solo 7 anni. Cresciuta tra i libri di Giurisprudenza, ha collaborato con il quotidiano Libero. Iperconnessa e ipersocial, è estremamente appassionata delle sfaccettature della cultura asiatica, di Giappone, dell'universo K-pop e di Hallyu wave. Dal 2020 è Honorary Reporter per il Ministero della Cultura Coreana. Si rilassa programmando viaggi, scoprendo hotel e ristoranti in giro per il mondo. Appena può salta da un parco Disney all'altro. Ha scritto un libro «La Corea dalla A alla Z», edito da Edizioni Nuova Cultura, e in collaborazione con il KOCIS (Ministero della Cultura Coreana) e l'Istituto Culturale Coreano in Italia.

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