Giorgio Armani: an everlasting star for Made in Italy in the world

Giorgio Armani: an everlasting star for Made in Italy in the world

A fashion designer a strong desire to always be innovative and refined

"Dums are never elegant while smart people always are..." These provocative words have been used by someone who knows a lot about fashion: Giorgio Armani, an outstanding fashion icon not only within the Italian borders but all over the world.

July 11th marks Armani's 83rd birthday. Life was not always easy for the talented Italian fashion designer. Born in Piacenza in 1934, he experienced the harsh period related to the two world wars, almost dying after being seriously burnt with gunpowder.

During the high school years, Giorgio's dreamt about becoming a doctor, an actor or even a director, possibly driven by his parents' heart for the theatre. He started university in medicine but soon abandoned his studies in favour of a military career, which was soon abandoned too. Giorgio was then employed by La Rinascente - a well-known Italian departmental store - working in the men fashion section. Armani's talent was soon remarked by Nino Cerruti, who gave Armani a position involving the re-style of the brand Hitman. This position will be Giorgio Armani's springboard towards success.

Thanks to his skills, ambition, entrepreneurship and also his intuitions, Armani starts working on his own since the age of 40. He enters the fashion market in Italy in 1974 with Armany by Sicons. Very innovative was the series of jackets he came out with, characterized by uneven patterns and a new colour between grey and beige. Between 1975 and 1980, Armani expands overseas with his Giorgio Armani Corporation, launching new brands devoted for young people: Emporio Armani, Armani Jeans and Armani Junior.

The Italian fashion designer's personal style, between luxury and innovation, determined his success among the international public paving the way for his entrance into Paris fashion world in 2005. Giorgio stands out a great professional in the fashion world, somebody who is always attentive not to be taken for granted and with a strong desire to always be innovative and refined.

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Claudia Astarita

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