Italy celebrating the 450° anniversary of Claudio Monteverdi

Italy celebrating the 450° anniversary of Claudio Monteverdi

A rich program filled with events and concerts to celebrate the Italian composer

To celebrate the 450° anniversary of Claudio Monteverdi's birth, the Italian cities of Cremona, where the famous composer comes from, Mantova and Venice will evoke  Monteverdi's life and masterpieces within historical palaces, baroque churches and beautiful hidden gardens and courts.

In what has been labelled the "year of Monteverdi", which started in April and will last up to December, the creativity of the famous composer will be discovered through an original and rich program filled with events and concerts.

Monteverdi was born in Cremona, on May the 9th, 1567. After a career full of successes, he passed away in Venice on November the 29th, 1643.

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