the atypical family kdrama

The compelling charm of «The Atypical Family» spoke with actors Jang Ki-yong and Chun Woo-hee about their roles in one of the most intriguing shows of the year

The Atypical Family stands out as a notable achievement in South Korean television, blending family drama with supernatural elements. This 2024 South Korean television drama series starring Jang Ki-yong, Chun Woo-hee, Go Doo-shim, and Claudia Kim became popular worldwide thanks to its presence on Netflix.

The show is produced by the renowned SLL, known for their high-quality productions and compelling storytelling. Their expertise shines through in The Atypical Family, which has received critical acclaim and a strong following. The series' success can be attributed to its engaging plot, well-developed characters, and the seamless integration of superpowers into the narrative.

The Atypical Family follows the story of Bok Gwi-ju and his family, who possess unique superpowers inherited through generations, except for Bok Gwi-ju's father. Bok Gwi-ju's ability to travel back in time to events he experienced forms a central theme in the series. His sister, Bok Dong-hee, can fly, while their mother has prophetic dreams that have kept the family financially secure. However, as the series begins, the family's powers are waning, and they struggle with modern life's challenges and tragedies, including the death of Bok Gwi-ju's wife. A subplot involves Bok Gwi-ju's teenage daughter, Bok I-Na, who can read minds through eye contact but suffers from bullying and addiction to smartphones. The family's dynamics and their superpowers create a rich tapestry of storytelling, exploring themes of loss, resilience, and the quest for normalcy.

Jang Ki-yong brings Bok Gwi-ju to life with a nuanced performance that captures his character's depth and complexity. As a father struggling with the loss of his wife and the responsibility of raising his teenage daughter, Bok Gwi-ju's journey is one of self-discovery and redemption. His ability to time travel becomes both a blessing and a curse, allowing him to revisit the past but also trapping him in a cycle of grief and regret.

At the same time Chun Woo-hee portrays Do Da-hae, a beautiful con artist whose arrival sparks significant changes in the Bok family. Initially seeking to marry Bok Gwi-ju for financial gain, Da-hae's character evolves as she genuinely falls for him. Chun Woo-hee's performance adds depth to Da-hae, making her more than just a schemer. Her interactions with Bok Gwi-ju lead to moments of genuine connection and growth, both for herself and for Gwi-ju, who begins to overcome his depression and reclaim his time-traveling ability.

The on-off relationship between Bok Gwi-ju and Do Da-hae forms the crux of the series, with their evolving dynamics providing both tension and tenderness. Their budding romance is frequently tested by their families' interference, near-death experiences, and time-travel escapades. The power struggles between the two matriarchs, Bok Gwi-ju's mother and Da-hae's stepmother, further add to the drama, making for an engaging watch. spoke with Jang Ki-yong and Chun Woo-hee.

Jang Ki-yong


Nice to meet you, can I ask as the first thing to please introduce your characters from your point of view highlighting something we might not have noticed about them?

Gwi-ju is a time traveler who is depressed and has lost his happiness and superpower to travel back in time, but rather than stop and give up on everything, I believe he is constantly trying to regain his happiness.

How did you approach the script and what made you choose this role?

I really enjoyed the script, and the idea of a superpowered family who lost their powers due to a modern-day disease was fresh. I liked how Gwi-ju was depressed, but didn't get stuck in that depression and tried to move forward in a brighter direction.

Which was the most challenging part of playing your role in An Atypical Family?

For Gwi-ju, the misery of the present and the happiness of the past are such contrasting emotions that it was actually difficult to express the change in emotions that had to be played at one point. I thought about it a lot, shared conversations with the director, and tried to show the contrast even in small details besides the apparent atmosphere and expression.

The drama has also a supernatural side. If you had the possibility to choose a superpower for yourself, which would it be and why?

For now, it's the superpower to fly. When I want to go somewhere for healing, even the time it takes to fly there would be healing.

How would you describe your relationship on set?

I've enjoyed Chun Woo-hee's work, and she's an actor I've always wanted to work with. We had many things in common, so while shooting this project, our acting chemistry was good, and I was grateful that she was someone I could learn a lot from.

If you had to describe your role in one word which would it be?

The innocent macho.

Chun Woo-hee


Nice to meet you, can I ask as the first thing to please introduce your characters from your point of view highlighting something we might not have noticed about them?

I consider Da-hae to be a person with many personas. Whenever she deals with others, she is sincere but wears a mask appropriate for handling the person, so it is difficult to tell where she really means it and where she does not. Maybe she was waiting for someone to recognize her sincerity.

How did you approach the script, and what made you choose this role?

I've always been interested in stories about families. What happens between a family related by blood and a family related by necessity. In addition, I thought that the idea of psychics suffering from modern-day illnesses, although it is a fantasy, would be a heartwarming story that people in the present day could relate to and be comforted by.

Which was the most challenging part of playing your role in An Atypical Family?

There was not a challenging part, but what I tried to pay attention to was that even though the genre was fantasy, I wanted to portray her in a more realistic way than I did with the characters I've played before. I thought the more honest and realistic in expressing emotions, the more believable this character and the whole work would be.

The show touches some deep themes like depression, eating disorders, and insomnia. How was to deal with such themes that became a really big part of the modern society?

There are many times that we cannot utilize the potential we have for many reasons. There might be external influences, but I think the lack of solidarity and communication with each other is the biggest one. I loved how the show is some kind of an allegory for how far love and trust can go, and I hope that message resonates and heals the viewer.

The drama has also a supernatural side. If you would have the possibilità to choose a superpower for yourself which would it be and why?

I want to have a superpower of teleportation, the ability to travel anywhere and anytime I want.

Your role is a mysterious woman that can change the fate of the Bok family but has secrets. How did you prepare for the role?

A technical approach wasn’t appropriate. I just needed to stay true to my emotions in each scene, to make Da-hae mysterious and suspicious at the beginning, and then to have those suspicions turn to like as her narrative unravels.

How would you describe your relationship on set?

It was my first time working with Jang Ki-yong, and I hit it off with him. Our personalities and attitudes were compatible, so it was not difficult to shoot the show.

If you had to describe your role in one word which would it be?

A hope.

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Marianna Baroli

Giornalista, autore

(Milano, 1986) La prima volta che ha detto «farò la giornalista» aveva solo 7 anni. Cresciuta tra i libri di Giurisprudenza, ha collaborato con il quotidiano Libero. Iperconnessa e ipersocial, è estremamente appassionata delle sfaccettature della cultura asiatica, di Giappone, dell'universo K-pop e di Hallyu wave. Dal 2020 è Honorary Reporter per il Ministero della Cultura Coreana. Si rilassa programmando viaggi, scoprendo hotel e ristoranti in giro per il mondo. Appena può salta da un parco Disney all'altro. Ha scritto un libro «La Corea dalla A alla Z», edito da Edizioni Nuova Cultura, e in collaborazione con il KOCIS (Ministero della Cultura Coreana) e l'Istituto Culturale Coreano in Italia.

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